• Dandruff is a common scalp disorder that occurs when dead skin cells cluster together and detach from the scalp, forming shedded flakes. A small amount of flaking is normal, but some people experience itching, redness, scaling, and irritation. Dandruff may fluctuate in severity, becoming worse in the winter and with stress.

  • Several factors can contribute to the onset or increase of dandruff, including age, gender, weather, and preexisting conditions.

  • Dandruff cannot be cured, but its symptoms can generally be controlled with specialized shampoos. Most people need repeated or long-term, consistent treatment. Selsun blue® helps control dandruff by relieving symptoms like flaking and itching.

  • Flakes are clumps of dead skin cells that group before shedding from the scalp. Flaking is typically associated with the overproduction of skin cells.

  • If you suffer from dandruff, you’re not alone—dandruff occurs in 15–20% of the population, generally anytime from puberty to around age 40.

  • Dandruff generally peaks around age 40, and then may improve.

  • Look for products with these key dandruff-controlling ingredients:

    • Salicylic acid: Helps remove scaly skin and decrease cell-to-cell clumping, making it ideal for dandruff relief.
    • Keratinization regulators: Substances like pyrithione zinc can help scalp cells normalize, reducing clumping and oiliness.
    • Selenium sulfide: This ingredient can help reduce cell turnover, limiting the formation of clumps.
  • Almost anyone can get dandruff, but some factors may make you more susceptible:

    • Age: Dandruff usually starts in young adulthood and continues through middle age.
    • Stress: Because stress impacts your overall health, it may make you more vulnerable to a number of conditions, including dandruff.
    • Gender: Dandruff may be worse in men.
A man looking at himself in the mirror while pushing his hair back.



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How to get dandruff out of your hair

Learn some tips on how to help keep your scalp healthy by preventing the recurrence of dandruff symptoms.

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Create a hair care routine to promote a healthy scalp by fighting dandruff

Learn how to create a hair care routine to promote a healthy scalp by fighting dandruff with Selsun blue®.

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Top dandruff shampoo ingredients to look for

Learn about three important Over-the-Counter antidandruff ingredients that are featured in Selsun blue® products.

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Do I have dandruff?


Understand dandruff symptoms like dry, itchy scalp and flakes, and the difference between dandruff and other common scalp conditions.

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Why do I have dandruff?

Find out who’s most at risk of suffering from dandruff, and identify common triggers that can make your dry, itchy scalp and flakes worse.

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Dandruff shampoo for men and women: can we use the same anti-dandruff shampoo?

Wondering if dandruff shampoo for men differs from women? Find out if both genders can use the same anti-dandruff shampoo and find the right solution for you. Find information on what it is, its symptoms and how to get rid of it! Say goodbye to flakes fast!

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How long does it take to get rid of dandruff?

Wondering how long does it take to get rid of dandruff? Find expert advice on what it is, its symptoms and how to get rid of it! Say goodbye to flakes!

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